Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Flickr Inspr-ation

Elliot's Wall of Games, originally uploaded by BuddyRooster.

The two little boys in our house share a room which is still, to my ever-growing frustration, not finished.

It's slowly coming along, and in the meantime, I continue to find all sorts of inspiration to add to what we have done already.

This Flickr find is something I would love to replicate in their vintage-themed nursery especially because of theGeek's obsession with board games.

I have a feeling that this will be a hobby that my sons will have no choice but to love, and so if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.... isn't that how it goes?

Now to scour Ebay and hit up some garages sales in hopes of finding similar vintage games suitable for display in the boys' bedroom.


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