Thursday, November 12, 2009

Big Chill

Our dishwasher kicked the bucket. In August. Yes it is now November, and I cannot believe I have been washing dishes for our family of FIVE by hand for almost four months now. Have I mentioned my penchance for procrastination?

The Geek and I finally decided to do a little appliance shopping after shelling out $100 to confirm that our dishwasher, in fact, was not salvageable. We looked at many models with all sorts of options - half-loads, quiet, eco, rinse, sanitize etc. etc. - and realized we had a bigger problem on hand than sorting through the bells and whistles of each brand:

What color are we looking for?

When we moved into our house three years ago we became the proud owners of a fairly new black dishwasher and black microwave, and the slightly less-proud owners of a bisque-colored stove and fridge.

One of my favorite newlywed stories, is about how Gavan came home all excited one day to tell me that he had purchased a new(er) stove for the bargain price of $200. Sure the new(er) stove had some definite improvements over our current version, such as digital controls as opposed to analog, but he kind of overlooked one important detail; it was white. Sigh.

Oh well, what was yet another appliance color in our already mismatched assortment? MY plan was to make-do with the fridge and stove as they were until we could replace them with black models to match the newest appliances in the kitchen, but in his new-home-owner, boy-brained thinking, color wasn't even a consideration.

Now with the not-so recent demise of our black dishwasher we really have the opportunity to go forward in any color direction we wish. My dream for the kitchen includes white cabinets, butcher-block countertops and a farmhouse sink, so are we best to go with white appliances for a seamless look? Or would the modern contrast of stainless steel suit us better? I must confess not being crazy about the look of grubby little fingerprints all over stainless appliances, so I find myself leaning towards the white option.

However, if budget was not an option, what I really lust after is the retro-look appliances from Big Chill. They have just recently added dishwashers to their line of stoves and fridges. There is no way I can justify parting with thousands of dollars to update all of our appliances with these luscious, sorbet-colored beauties, but I think perhaps a fridge is in my future.

Do you recognize this picture? This is Drew Barrymore's production office kitchen, featured in Domino. One of my favorites, I adore the paint color, the black and white checkered floor and those bistro chairs, but it is that gorgeous fridge that really stands out. Even in basic white, the retro shape really makes an impression.

photos courtesy of Big Chill

Love the beach blue, which is the one Rachel Ray uses on her set. That orange is not for me, but still so fun.

For now, candy-colored appliances will give me something to dream about while I'm up to my elbows in soapy water.


  1. I don't (think) I know you, but I have been thinkin' about this too recently, for no particular reason. I thought it would be really cool to paint your fridge, which, when I think about it, might not be as easy with a stove. But I saw a photo somewhere of a fridge painted with chalk board paint which was a pretty neat idea I thought! Anyways, matching has never been my thing but I just wanted to suggest paint! Just cause!

  2. Actually there is a gorgeous photo of a pink fridge floating around the internet somewhere that the owner took to an automotive paint shop. It looked amazing!

    Love the chalkboard paint idea too... I have plans to do my pantry door that way, but a fridge would be fun too!


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